The Heart of a Hero
Once upon a time, in a timeless time, long ago- there was a great assembly held in recognition of Ram and Hanuman’s heroism. Ram had safely returned to kingdom of Ayodhya after rescuing Sita from the nefarious Ravana. As a gesture of their gratitude, the King and Queen gifted Hanuman a mala made of precious metals and stones. Hanuman, confused by the gift, began to gnaw at the stones. As those in attendance watched in horror, Ram and Sita began to question Hanuman’s behavior and explain the gift was meant to keep them close to his heart. Suddenly, Hanuman rips his chest open, exposing his raw and beating heart- and there lies within, Sita and Ram. Their names are written on every fiber of his being, he is always holding them close. The gift meant nothing as it did not bear their names, Hanuman knew all he needed to do was remember to call out and they would always be near.
When speaking of devotion, courage, and pure heart I would be remiss to not highlight the true heroine of this tale. Sita was advised to stay at the palace (as she was destined to be Queen), but chose instead to enter into exile with her husband and remained dutifully by his side. She was then kidnapped, imprisoned, and had to continuously fight off Ravana’s sexual obsession. After Ram slays the demon and they return to the kingdom, rumors of Sita’s chastity surfaced. To prove her purity Sita performs Agni Pariksha (walks into a fire), only the fire god doesn’t burn her. This would surely satisfy Ram, but instead he once again sided with the lies of his courts men and rejected her loyalty. Tired of the injustice of the world and in order to maintain the unquestionable dignity of the Ayodhya, Sita leaves the kingdom and sacrifices her place.
This is a tale of loyalty, duty, dedication, self-sacrifice, a pure heart- this is a tale of devotion and dharma.